Just Dance!

I remember when that song first hit the radio, I had no idea who Lady gag was, but I knew that song defined me and loved it from the first listen!!

Do you have something that you just love to do? That you would do anytime, anyplace and are always looking for the opportunity to do it?
Easy there, this should be something fun and appropriate, so for those of you thinking about the naughty stuff, get your mind out of the gutter and onto the dance floor!

I LOVE to dance, I Jazzercise everyday, I hit clubs in Kansas City as often as possible, I salsa at the Voodoo lounge and the Madrid whenever I can find the time and the right group to teach me! I have gone swing dancing in the Rivermarket in downtown KC, taken swing dance lessons, taught swing dance lessons, and I take adult classes of all shapes and sizes whenever I can find the time!

One of the best places to dance in Kansas City, in my humble opinion is the Shark Bar at Kansas City's Power and Light. Now, I do not love the demographic of people that frequent Power and Light as they are usually quite a bit younger than I am with no "come fetchin up" (come fetchin up defined: social graces). However, the Shark Bar plays all the music from my generation! Late 80s early 90's music. I take my best girlfriends there and we dance until we are soaked in sweat, hardly every having time to inter act with the kids lacking in social graces or even make our way to the bar for a beer, because god forbid we miss the next amazing dance opportunity when the DJ throws on Boys to Men or N-Synch!

To dance is to sweat, feel good, feel sore the next day, to stay sober because you are having so much fun there is no time away from the dance floor, to connect with your friends, to make new ones, to dance until your little heart is content! I am sure there are some scriptures in the bible that all talk about dancing, rejoicing, being merry!

So for those of you who view dancing as a way to get drunk and stupid, shame on you. The next time you set your mind to go dancing, pay the $5 cover, order waters, Gatorade, or red bull, take your b6 and b12 and your conscience will thank you for such a fantastic night that was great on your: heart, body, mind, spirit and pocket book!

If you don't know how to Salsa, just find a club to shake it like no one is watching. If you want to learn to Salsa, most clubs that offer a night of salsa, usually offer an affordable class right before. I love to salsa, but am still not very good at it, so I usually go early for the class and then find someone who is willing to spin me around all night and continue to teach me how!

Same goes for Swing dancing, most people love to teach, so find a good teacher on the dance floor and work up a sweat!The best thing about all kinds of ballroom and partner dancing is that you don't have time to get drunk and have strangers grope you, you are too busy learning the steps. The men are respectful enough to teach you and your mind needs to be turned on to learn!

No matter who you are or where you come from there is joy in "letting go" and dancing like no one is watching! Make it a point in the next couple weeks to find a place to go out, work up a sweat, let go and find some freedom for a few hours!

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